REST ratelimiter

The wumpy-rest subpackage - containing support for the Discord REST API - allows you to override how it handles the ratelimits Discord enforces.

The default implementation (DictRatelimiter) uses in-memory WeakValueDictionarys from weakref to store routes and ratelimit buckets. It supports concurrent requests to the same ratelimit bucket (if that's allowed according to the headers) and correctly locks appropriate locks when running into a 429 response. This all makes it a good default that suits most bots' needs.

If you want different behaviour than what the default implementation provides, that's when you want to write your own ratelimiter.

Understanding Discord ratelimits

Discord's ratelimits can often be seen as very confusing, but you first need to understand how they work before you can write a pre-emptive ratelimiter.

Discord's ratelimit buckets

It all starts with a route, which is the method (GET, POST, PATCH, etc.) plus the path (like /users/@me). We can visualize it like this:

Method + Path

The next part is a special header that Discord returns - the X-RateLimit-Bucket hash. This hash can be shared by multiple routes, which means those routes share the same ratelimit:

   Route      +   Route
---^^^^^-----   ---^^^^^----
Method + Path   Method + Path

Finally, the very last part that makes up a ratelimit is the major parameters. This means that two requests - made to two different channels for example - go into different ratelimits buckets. We can now assemble the full ratelimit:

            Hash          +     Major param
   Route      +   Route
---^^^^^-----   ---^^^^^----
Method + Path   Method + Path 

This assembled information is enough to individually identify the ratelimit bucket on Discord's end that will affect a particular route.

Miscellaneous implementation advice

Learning from the implementation of Wumpy's default implementation of the ratelimiter as well as other libraries' implementations there's a few things they all share. While it may seem like stating the obvious; they all have two separated mappings:

  • The first one maps a route (method + path) to its X-RateLimit-Bucket hash that's been received from Discord. This mapping stores its items indefinitely, as it can only grow to the size of all routes ever used.

  • The second one maps the assembled ratelimit from above to the locks* that will correctly queue up requests. This mapping must automatically evict items as they are no longer used.

*It does not need to be a lock; this is implementation-specific. In some implementations this is a semaphore, capacity limiter, or queue - it does not matter from the point of view of Wumpy.

Implementing the right interface

From the point of view of wumpy-rest, the ratelimiter is any object that implements the correct magic methods. The official typing annotation for it looks like this:

class Ratelimiter(Protocol):
    async def __aenter__(self) -> object:

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None,
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException] = None,
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType] = None
    ) -> Optional[bool]:

    def __call__(self, route: Route) -> AsyncContextManager[
        Callable[[Mapping[str, str]], Awaitable[object]]

It has been designed to allow a variety of uses and implementations, and is by choice very vague by only using magic methods. In the following examples, the ratelimiter don't do any ratelimiting - it only implements the right interface. To get started, create an asynchronous context manager by defining __aenter__() and __aexit__(). It should look somewhat like this:

from types import TracebackType
from typing import Optional, Type

class NoOpRatelimiter:
    """Ratelimiter implementation that does nothing; a no-op implementation."""

    async def __aenter__(self) -> object:

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]
    ) -> object:

The point of this first asynchronous context manager is to allow you make initial asynchronous setup, such as setting up connections or background tasks. It is entered on startup of the requester and only exits when the requester is being closed.

For every request made (including retries), the ratelimiter will be called with the Route used for the request. This method must be synchronous and return an asynchronous context manager. If you need await during this step, delay that until the asynchronous context manager is entered by returning a proxy object or using @asynccontextmanager.

    async def __call__(self, route: Route) -> AsyncGenerator[
        Callable[[Mapping[str, str]], Coroutine],
        # The return type may look a little weird, but this is how
        # @asynccontextmanager works. You pass it a function that returns an
        # async generator.

It is within this second asynchronous context manager that you acquire the underlying lock and have the pre-emptive waiting take place for the ratelimits. Once completed, this should return an asynchronous callable. The point of this callable is that the ratelimiter gets updated with the headers of the request where the ratelimit information can be found.

    async def update(self, headers: Mapping[str, str]) -> object:

    # The return type may look a little weird, but this is how
    # @asynccontextmanager works. You pass it a function that returns an
    # async generator (which yields what the asynchronous context manager
    # then returns).
    async def __call__(self, route: Route) -> AsyncGenerator[
        Callable[[Mapping[str, str]], Coroutine],
        # This is a no-op ratelimiter, but this would be the place to do the
        # pre-emptive waiting for ratelimits.

        yield self.update

This callable will be called after each request, after which the asynchronous context manager will be exited and the response returned to the user. This means that if updating the ratelimiter or exiting the asynchronous context manager takes a lot of time, it might be best to launch a different task so that it does not slow down the requester.

Here is a dummy example of a ratelimiter that does no actual ratelimiting, all it does is implement the necessary behaviour:

class NoOpRatelimiter:
    """Ratelimiter implementation that does nothing; a no-op implementation."""

    async def __aenter__(self) -> Self:
        return self

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]
    ) -> object:

    # The return type may look a little weird, but this is how
    # @asynccontextmanager works. You pass it a function that returns an
    # async generator (which yields what the asynchronous context manager
    # then returns).
    async def __call__(self, route: Route) -> AsyncGenerator[
        Callable[[Mapping[str, str]], Coroutine],
        # This is a no-op ratelimiter, but this would be the place to do the
        # pre-emptive waiting for ratelimits.

        yield self.update

    async def update(self, headers: Mapping[str, str]) -> object:

Handling unexpected responses

Because of how the ratelimiter is built on asynchronous context managers, there is also a built-in way to handle unexpected responses. Even though the focus of the ratelimiter is to handle 429 responses, it can also handle any other unexpected responses as they are also raised as exceptions and passed through the asynchronous context manager. For example, the default implementation applies an exponential backoff for 500, 502 and 504 responses.

The requester will raise a Ratelimited exception containing information returned by the Discord API on specifically 429 responses. This should be correctly handled according to the Discord API. To then retry the request you will need to supress the exception by returning a truthy value. wumpy-rest will now call the first callable again and enter the asynchronous context manager (as if it was a new request).

Note that this is how officially asynchronous context managers work - @asynccontextmanager works slightly different. There you want to have a try/except block around the yield. If an exception is not propogated (meaning that it was captured and handled) then @asynccontextmanager will return a truthy value in your stead.

Ensuring compatibility

There exists standardized tests for ensuring compatibility with the wumpy-rest usage inside of wumpy-testing. Refer to the API reference for how to use it.